This Week in Snark: AI Hype, Corporate Nonsense, and the Same iPhone Again
SiliconSnark covered everything from Nokia’s sudden AI ambitions to BuzzFeed’s latest attempt at relevance, Adobe’s Firefly marketing spin, and, of course, the impending robot uprising.

What a week to launch SiliconSnark! We covered everything from Nokia’s sudden AI ambitions to BuzzFeed’s latest attempt at relevance, Adobe’s Firefly marketing spin, and, of course, the impending robot uprising. Oh, and Apple is still selling the same iPhone, but now with a dramatic love story. Here’s what went down:
Nokia Decides It’s an AI Company Now, Because Why Not? (2/10)
Remember Nokia? The company that made your unbreakable brick phone in 2003? Well, now they’re pivoting to AI because, apparently, every tech company has to say “AI” three times before breakfast to stay relevant. Whether Nokia’s AI will be as indestructible as its old phones remains to be seen.
BuzzFeed Tries to Be a Social Platform, World Prepares for Chaos (2/11)
BuzzFeed has decided the best way to regain relevance is by becoming a social platform? Because if there’s anything the world needed, it’s another place to doomscroll bad takes and AI-generated quizzes.
Adobe Firefly: AI Art That’s Safe, Boring, and Totally Not Threatening Your Job (2/12)
Adobe’s Firefly is here to generate ethical AI art, which is basically just a fancier way of saying, “We’re trying really hard not to get sued.”
The Robot Takeover is Going Well, Thanks for Asking (2/13)
It’s 2025, and robots are still inching closer to replacing all of us, one self-checkout and delivery drone at a time. This week, we looked at the latest in automation and asked the tough questions, like: Will robots take our jobs and our dignity, or just one at a time?
A Love Letter to the iPhone SE4 (2/14)
Apple is about to launch a new iPhone, but this time, it’s wrapped in my emotional narrative about loneliness and longing. Will iPhone 1000 finally complete me?
That’s a wrap on week one of SiliconSnark!
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