BuzzFeed Declares War on Doomscrolling with ‘Joyful’ Social Platform

BuzzFeed Declares War on Doomscrolling with ‘Joyful’ Social Platform
BuzzFeed’s New Social Platform Promises to Fix the Internet—Because That’s Gone So Well Before

BuzzFeed has announced its brilliant plan to launch a social platform that will “restore joy and creativity.”

Jonah Peretti, BuzzFeed’s founder and CEO (and self-proclaimed champion of The Future of the Internet™), warns us about the monstrous reign of SNARF—Stakes, Novelty, Anger, Retention, and Fear. Apparently, these negative vibes have infested our precious feeds, and now BuzzFeed is swooping in on a white horse to save us from ourselves.

Instead of scrolling past rage-fueled political debates and 3,000 identical dance challenges, this new platform will be a magical fairyland. What can we expect to find in this new cyberspace paradise? Mystery. Surprise. Possibly some AI-powered quizzes that’ll pinpoint your favorite pizza toppings based on your taste in memes. Beyond that, the details are hush-hush—but you can sign up for early access.